Friends of the Brentwood Library
General Membership Meeting

November 30, 2023

featuring Conversation, Lunch and Cupcakes with

Mignon Francois

Best-Selling Author and CEO of The Cupcake Collection

Friends of the J.P. Holt Brentwood Library are invited to join us at the library for a conversation, lunch and of course, cupcakes with the one and only, Mignon Francois. The event is for the Friends of the Brentwood Library members and is not open to the general public, but we ALWAYS welcome new members! Mignon is the CEO/Founder of The Cupcake Collection in Nashville and author of the best-selling book, Made from Scratch: Finding Success Without a Recipe. Mignon will share more about her story of how she built her business with only $5 left to her name and scaled it to 5 million cupcakes sold. Reservations are required for this members-only event, so watch your email! Deadline to RSVP is November 20.

Join Friends easily on our website here.

The Cupcake Collection food truck will be in the library parking lot from 11a-2p and open to the public.

The 4th annual Friends of the Brentwood Library Booktacular was a huge success! Almost 2,000 books and 4,500 treats went home with little ones in our community on October 28, 2023. We loved seeing all the costumes of our 719 attendees.

A special thank you to Kathy Dooley-Smith and all our amazing Friends volunteers for putting on this amazing community event.